Friday, December 27, 2019
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Essay - 2082 Words
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Introduction: Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World War II. Food and fibre productivity rose due to new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that favoured maximizing production. These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced labour demands to produce the majority of the food and fibre. Humans, like all other species, exploit their surroundings for the resources they need to survive. Our current exploitation of the world, however, is greater than those of most species. There are many reasons for this exploitation but we will focus on one and that is our technology, which is used for various†¦show more content†¦It takes up to three hundred years for one inch of agricultural topsoil to form so soil that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for long-term crop yields have not been sufficiently measured. The amount of erosion varies from one field to another. This depends on the type of soil, the slope of the field, the drainage patterns and the crop management practices. The effects of the erosion vary also. The areas that are better able to sustain erosion without loss of productivity are areas with deep organic loams. This is more sustainable than the areas where topsoil’s are shallower. Erosion removes the surface soils, containing most of the organic matter, plant nutrients, and fine soil particles, which help to retain water and nutrients in the root zone where they are available to plants. Thus it affects the productivity of plants. The remaining, the subsoil, tends to be less fertile, less absorbent and less able to retain pesticides, fertilizers, and other plant nutrients. There are over 17,000 soil types recognized worldwide. They vary widely in structure, erodibility, fertility, and ability to produce crops. A generalized soil profile for a humid, temperate climate is showed. When the natural vegetation is cleared for agriculture, soils become exposed to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The removal of the above-ground naturalShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Agriculture On The Environment1561 Words  | 7 PagesWhile agriculture is pivotal to human survival, it has some very detrimental effects on the environment. Agricultural production is first and fore most an industry that directly depends on natural resources such as water, land and a multitude of plants and animals. The exponentially growing human population and ever changing consumption patterns have stimulated the evolution of agriculture from the traditional to a now modern, intensive system. (Natural Resources Management and Environment DepartmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Animal Agriculture On The Environment Essay941 Words  | 4 Pagesconsider the effects of animal agriculture on the environment. 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